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Behavioral Health

an image of a man sitting across the desk from a woman at a computerNAHC provides behavioral health care to community members in need regardless of tribal affiliations or ethnicity. Our diverse team of experienced professionals provide individual psychotherapy and group treatment services that are guided by the community and best practices. We respect and support the unique beliefs and cultural traditions of our members.

Behavioral Health Crisis & 24/7 Confidential Support Lines

  • Alameda County (800) 309-2131
  • San Francisco (415) 781-0500
  • National Crisis Lifeline 988
  • Crisis Text Line Text MYLIFE to 741741.

For immediate assistance, please call 911.

Our Services

NAHC’s behavioral health services help clients build lasting self-awareness and management skills to improve balance, control, and overall health. Our staff has guided many people through intensely stressful times, resolution of past trauma, and ongoing addictions. Our trained therapists use a core group of best practices, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and EMDR, along with other Western therapeutic approaches, to meet a wide range of needs. We strive to stay culturally-rooted by working regularly in community support and outreach events and receiving regular consultation and training from traditional Native American practitioners and the Indian Health Service.

We offer:

  • Individual counseling for adults and youth ages 10 and over
  • Substance abuse treatment and recovery support services
  • Same-day help and consultation in the Medical department

Health Insurance

We are here to help you determine how your behavioral health care needs can be met. Non-specialty Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans and Medicare insurances are accepted. Many people without insurance are eligible for programs that pay for their care. Otherwise, a sliding fee scale may be available. NAHC’s Member Services Department will assist you with eligibility questions: 510-434-5421.

Community Resources

Below is a list of local government agencies available to help support your path to wellness. For additional support services, visit our resource library here.

Alameda County

  • Alameda County Behavioral Health Services (acbhcs.org)
  • Alameda County Public Health Department (acphd.org)
  • Mental Health Association of Alameda County Resource Directory (mhaac.org)

San Francisco County

  • City and County of San Francisco Behavioral Health (sf.gov)
  • City and County of San Francisco Services (sf.gov)

Meet Our Behavioral Health Providers