“Native American Health Center has long served as a place for wellness and healing in the Bay Area. We’re excited that through our newest site, we will address three of the most critical needs our community is facing: dental care, affordable housing, and access to safe spaces to gather, learn, and celebrate our cultures together.”
Natalie Aguilera, Chief Executive Officer, Native American Health Center
Over 50 years ago, the Bay Area Native American community organized to open a health center dedicated to serving Urban Natives. Today, NAHC stands strong as one of the oldest and largest Urban Indian Health programs in the United States. We’re excited to announce our newest location: a 14,000 square-foot community and clinical facility at 3050 International Boulevard in Oakland’s Fruitvale Neighborhood. In partnership with Satellite Affordable Housing Associates (SAHA), this state-of-the-art, five-story location will also include 76 units of affordable housing. NAHC and SAHA broke ground in March 2024, with plans to open the facility for services in Winter 2025.
Our Impact
The development of our new facility will significantly support our local community. Through this project NAHC will:
- Provide 20 additional dental operatories for children, families, and individuals
- Serve 10,000 new members and provide 20,000 additional visits each year
- Create a safe gathering space for cultural and community events, with space for up to 300 people
- Offer events and educational workshops for over 3,000 community members each year
- Build 76 units of affordable housing
- Generate 52 new long term jobs
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Thank you to our Partners
Together, NAHC and our partners are committed to building stronger, healthier, more culturally connected communities. We’re grateful for their collaboration on this exciting and innovative new development.